| jen blog
Sunday, October 1
Jen -
Sun, 01 Oct 2006 10:11:39
First, my apologies. This blog has morphed from an interesting (to me, at least) collection of recent news items to a "What's New with the Zurnses." I didn't expect that to happen. Well, give me some credit, because isn't self-awareness half the battle? ![]() My e-mail from Thursday night: "Hello Race Director, My race number is 666. Please tell me there is some way, ANY way, I could get a different number. Thanks." Clearly, this did not work. Comments (2) | Permalink
re: Sunday, October 1
john - Thu, 05 Oct 2006 08:51:11 Don't worry Jen. The only reason we even check this blog is with the hope there will be some snippet of Zurn-related information. The news is way overrated anyway ;) Oh yea, congratulations on your "Mark Of The Beast". Did you happen to sell your soul for the running ability of Rosie Ruiz? (or maybe the poker brain of Johnny Chan) re: Sunday, October 1brian - Fri, 06 Oct 2006 12:55:45 heh heh. Mark of the Beast. Well, we watched Mr. Chan mentor that annoying guy who won the 2006 WSoP the other night, aside from running we now watch poker tourney's - honing our minds and our poker faces. And btw, action shots of us can now be found! Add a CommentMonday, August 7 Jen - Mon, 07 Aug 2006 07:52:41 We just got back from India. Good Lord, we just got back from India. Yesterday, we were in transit for 24 hours straight. At the beginning of the journey home, I was waxing poetic about how it is a gift from God to have a 36-hour day, and we should grab it and never let it go, and, when we arrive home at 1 p.m. Sunday after 24 hours in transit, we should do laundry and go grocery shopping, and maybe cap it off with a trip to Sunset. I was asleep at 3 p.m. I slept for roughly ... 14 hours. So much for the miracle of a 36-hour day. I could never do justice in a blog entry about how amazing the trip was. But since I really wanted to share a tiny sliver of the experience, I decided to transcribe one day's entry in my 100-page travel journal for you all. So here I sit, at 5:40 a.m. Monday, typing away while eating stale toast because it is all we have left in the apartment. I also recommend this entry from Slate, which I found during my exhaustive Internet searching before we left. I had actually not read a word of this before the trip, because I was afraid reading a report titled "Why I Hate India" or whatever it's called might be asking for it. But now, reading it, I can completely understand most of it. Except for the part about the OTC maximum-strength prescription drugs. Anyway, here we are. And here is one day of our trip. Thursday, August 3 6:55 p.m. Kerala Levels of Fear One Should Experience While Driving Into Oncoming Traffic in Kerala The scene: You are in the backseat of a hatchback when your driver decides the vehicle in front of you is moving too slowly. So he veers into the oncoming lane, and approaching is a/an ... Pedestrian or moped Please. Clearly you are a newcomer to this new way of driving. Just like paper beats rock, hatchback beats pedestrian. A moped may cause some damage, just not to you. An auto-rickshaw This is a toss-up. If it is full-on oncoming, you should be less fearful, as your impact will be with the front end of a scooter/moped. Plus, you have seatbelts, and they don't. The situation is more dicey if the auto rickshaw is taking a turn into traffic. Hitting an auto when it is perpendicular to you is much less desired. A loaded village bus or a construction vehicle In this case, you need to judge how much distance your driver has to execute the pass. If it's a significant distance, don't panic a bit. If it's a moderate distance, it certainly looks scary, but your driver is a pro. If it's one or two car lengths, cover your eyes and hope for the best. Whatever you do, DON'T ask your driver a question at this critical moment, because he will likely take his eyes off the road and looks toward the backseat at you to answer. So today was a long day. Yesterday was semi-challenging, but it was more of a precursor to our Longest Day in India. We had booked a day trip to see the southernmost tip of India, called Kanyakumari, and a famous palace, called ... I don't know what it's called exactly. I'll get back to you. [Edited: It's called Padmanabhapuram Palace. That's 15 letters.] The day started off early for us, at 10:30 a.m. Because of a case of raging indigestion, we ended up getting to the lobby a little late. Then, our favorite hotel employee, Pravanthi, suggested sandwiches, and those took a little while to prepare. While we were waiting, I had a nice chat with her, and learned she has a younger brother, a sister in the States, and both parents. We hadn't seen her for a little while because she was lucky enough to have two days off in a row, and she went home to visit her parents (all staff live on-site when they're working.) We also talked about Tamil Nadu, where we were heading. I learned the people there are extremely orthodox, but have stopped cutting off the heads of babies as traditional sacrifice and instead have moved onto goats. (I should interrupt myself. At 7 a.m. we did yoga. I could clearly hear Brian ommmm-ing. The instructor, Shreeti, could hear none of us humming like hummingbirds, like we were supposed to, which slightly pissed her off.) Right. So we set off at around 11 a.m. The streets were choked with people. India is the most populous country in the world, and this is how you know it's true: Every glance around revealed at least 5 to 10 people. Think about it -- every single glance. In Newton, you could walk blocks and sometimes not see a soul. In India, no matter what time of day, there are people everywhere. Comments (0) | Permalink
Add a CommentMonday, August 7 -- Part 2 Jen - Mon, 07 Aug 2006 07:47:04 So we're an hour into our 30-minute-advertised drive to the palace when my stomach starts to hurt. Not extraordinarily so, but enough to make me think I should be safe instead of sorry. So I asked the driver for a Western-style toilet. He says okay. Comments (1) | Permalink
re: Monday, August 7 -- Part 2
Kristi - Sun, 13 Aug 2006 10:02:24 Welcome home, world travellers! I totally spelled that wrong, oh well. I was so interested in your story that I copied it into word so that I could read it at work and no one would be the wiser... Sounds like a once in a lifetime trip...I want more details. Glad you made it home safely. Add a CommentSaturday, May 6 Jen - Sat, 06 May 2006 19:21:38 We went to a Sox game last night. Needless to say, it was bittersweet. ![]() Comments (1) | Permalink
re: Saturday, May 6
Kevin Duffy - Sun, 07 May 2006 23:45:05 But how many people puked? Add a CommentWednesday, May 3 Jen - Thu, 04 May 2006 10:49:35 ![]() They had free beer, ![]() And pasta, ![]() And twins. ![]() We finished! ![]() The end. Thanks for reading. Comments (2) | Permalink
re: Wednesday, May 3
Brian - Thu, 04 May 2006 10:53:43 Oddly, i never thought running would be fun. Cross country and track in HS wasn't ever fun. But this was fun, and when you're all dehydrated and tired from running 6.2mi they serve you beer, for free, by Harpoon! And i don't know why, but the burgers never tasted so great. re: Wednesday, May 3Kristi - Sat, 06 May 2006 23:53:31 Congrats on your race!!! 6 miles is long!!!!! It's nice to know that maybe someday I might find running/working out to be fun. Maybe there is hope. Add a CommentSunday, April 9 Jen - Sat, 08 Apr 2006 23:08:40 That's hot you guys ... ![]() According to this website, Paris and I look 74% like each other. Although it also says I look like, in descending order, Melanie Griffith, Sarah Silverman, Nicole Richie (dude!! come on!), and Lindsay Lohan (71% -- you flatter me, MyHeritage. You're trying to make up for Melanie. I see through your games.) It also said I resembled Joan Crawford, which is a complete and total lie, and I include that only in the interests of accuracy, because everyone knows Paris and I are BFF. With another picture, it hit quickly on Shannon Doherty (73%), something my mother has been telling me for roughly ... 15 years, or whenever 90210 came out. It all depends on what picture, though. Brian was told he looks like Benicio Del Toro (70%), Ewan MacGregor (62%), Sugar Ray Robinson (58%), Christian Slater (53%), and Beyonce (a surprising 51%). This site is a riot -- I highly recommend it. Comments (6) | Permalink
Crazy in Love
Dawson - Sun, 09 Apr 2006 07:25:23 You know, I always thought Brian looked like Beyonce too! Its nice to see a computer program agrees with me! The results are inDawson - Sun, 09 Apr 2006 07:55:13 I got Alec Baldwin, Jason Priestly, and Drew Barrymore. The coolest part was that I got Morrissey too, but only 50%. For what it's worth, on the picture from the New Year's Eve party where Robin is in the picture laughing outrageously, she got Lucille Ball and Kobe Bryant! 90210 in 2006Jen - Sun, 09 Apr 2006 09:05:43 We have the Walsh siblings already cast. Any Luke Perrys out there? Re: Crazy in LoveGemini's Twin - Mon, 10 Apr 2006 06:05:22 I also think Brian looks like Beyonce, particularly from behind, that boy is bootylicious. re: Sunday, April 9Burns - Mon, 10 Apr 2006 07:53:52 Cursed, I say cursed with latino genes and staple of rice and beans!! But blessed-ed with dance moves that Enrique would blush at. But how did MyHeritage know that? re: Sunday, April 9kristi - Sat, 06 May 2006 23:56:09 the beyonce thing is outrageous. I just laughed my ass off. I will now proceed to the site to see what my fate (I mean face) holds. Add a CommentThursday, April 6 Jen - Thu, 06 Apr 2006 20:02:21 There's a new David Sedaris in this week's New Yorker. That's the good news. The bad news is that it's not online. So please allow me to paraphrase a funny part for you. "The first two times my parents left for vacation, my sisters and I escorted them to the door and said that we would miss them terribly. It was just an act, designed to make us look sensitive and English, but on this occasion we meant it." Heh heh heh. (And no, I didn't ruin the rest of the story for you. I promise.) Five hurricane names are to be retired, and they include Katrina and Rita. Names are retired when a hurricane is so destructive and notorious that no one wants to jinx themselves with birthing another Katrina. (Can't you see the meteorologist's arguing if the name wasn't retired? "You IDIOT. Don't you remember the LAST TIME?!?") One time last year, I had a disastrous experience with the social kiss. Every time I think about it, I cringe, because clearly the other woman was so classy as to know this is what people do, and I was so gauche that I didn't get that memo, and it ended up in this really awkward faux hug between literal strangers. Oof. It was awful. (Reg. req'd) Comments (1) | Permalink
Social Kissing
Dawson - Fri, 07 Apr 2006 05:59:44 I'm starting to dread seeing Brian at work now due to the awkward social kissing he insists on. Add a CommentSaturday, April 1 Jen - Sat, 01 Apr 2006 08:25:01 (I guess once I picked it back up, I remembered why I liked to blog.) A semi-old (but maybe new to you) David Sedaris story. Accompanied by another slightly stale (publication-date speaking), but still tasty, Murakami story.
A big, fat love letter to Bridgeport (aka Bpt., Dawson) from the New York Times. (Reg. req'd) Beer geek is planning to get a Ph.D in biochemistry just to study yeast. He also won the elusive "Beerdrinker of the Year" award. As I thought about this, I couldn't help but wonder, which is worse -- being married to a beer geek or a computer geek? During a recent museum trip, a 12-year-old boy stuck gum to a million-dollar painting. In case you were wondering, it was Wrigley's Extra Polar Ice. And to be honest, the painting kinda already looked like gum on a sidewalk. Comments (0) | Permalink
Add a CommentFriday, March 31 Jen - Fri, 31 Mar 2006 18:52:00 It's taken a lot to get me out of hibernation. And this was it: ![]() aka, the funniest things I have ever seen. (And I made that montage in the Gimp, just for you.) Sam Adams allows you to "flavor profile" your beer, in selected Boston locales, anyway, courtesy of a muddler and your choice of citrus. Pretty neat, huh? (Reg. req'd) My Murakami is a runner. And he's my kind of guy: After finishing the Boston Marathon, he says "going to Legal Sea Foods restaurant, eating steamed cherry stones and drinking Samuel Adams beer is one of the happiest moments of my life." He just keeps getting awesomer, I tell you. Comments (2) | Permalink
Muddler's Day
Dawson - Sat, 01 Apr 2006 07:06:38 I've always wanted a Muddler Good Morning Vietnam!!!kevin - Sun, 02 Apr 2006 09:41:09 Mr. Poop has a blog [] and a myspace page []. enjoy Add a CommentFriday, February 24 Jen - Fri, 24 Feb 2006 07:58:13 Okay, everyone is off the hook -- A 16-year-old kid (not any of you) bought the billionth iTunes song. And he actually bought a song, he didn't skimp via the "No purchase required" site. (Reg. req'd) Comments (1) | Permalink
Wha happan?
dawson - Sat, 04 Mar 2006 12:24:12 Where oh where did the RSS feed go? Add a CommentThursday, February 16 Jen - Thu, 16 Feb 2006 22:23:25 The Love Edition
Couples who live in teeny tiny spaces and manage not to kill each other. Like, 400-square-feet tiny. Godspeed to them, because I couldn't do it. (Reg. req'd) Wedded bliss 'only lasts a year.' Why people in Connecticut have cold feet. Truthfully, I didn't find this one so interesting, but it fits with the love theme, so who cares. A couple gets married in a McDonald's. A couple gets married in a funeral home. And one completely random question: How does one get pita bread to have a pocket inside? Well, I love pita bread. So it fits. (Reg. req'd) Comments (0) | Permalink
Add a CommentWednesday, February 8 Jen - Wed, 08 Feb 2006 23:16:32 I am going to ruin yogurt for you now. Ready? "Under current federal guidelines, man-made colorings such as FD&C Red No. 40 must be listed by name on product labels. But naturally occurring ingredients, a broad category that includes dead beetles, can be listed simply as 'color added.'" (Reg. req'd) In the U.K., the first Monday of February is the most popular day of the year for a 'sickie.' I'm a little late with bringing you that fact, but I am going to call sick days "a sickie" from here on out. How eerie is this image -- the International Space Station chucked a spacesuit stuffed with clothes into outer space, so they could track its radio transmissions. Ivan Ivanovich (what they named him) looks "like a cosmonaut tumbling helplessly through space." Creepy. And first they declared Ivan dead, because they couldn't hear his prerecorded cries for help, but ham radio operators say otherwise. Just like the claw-a-stuffed-animal games in Denny's, a Maine restaurant has a "claw-a-live-lobster" variation. As expected, PETA was miffed. The Boston Globe taste-tests bottled salsa. And they have a winner. Apple kicked off their Billion Song Countdown for iTunes. The person who buys the billionth song wins a 20-inch iMac, 10 60GB iPods, a $10,000 iTunes Music Store card, as well as a scholarship created in their name. You can play without buying a song, though. And I swear, if you win after reading about it here and don't graciously give me one measly iPod ... well, God sees everything. More workers are using their iPods to escape boredom or chaos in the office. Does it help them focus, or is it a distraction? Well, Brian, does it? (Reg. req'd) Comments (0) | Permalink
Add a CommentSaturday, February 4 Jen - Sat, 04 Feb 2006 10:29:20 Totally biting off the Zurnses, and the daRolingers, and Dufftiks, this reporter decides to write an article about her legal married-name-meld. So what if she has a platform at the NYT from which to share -- WE did it FIRST. Perhaps not "legally," but first. (Reg. req'd) Comments (4) | Permalink
re: Saturday, February 4
Ryan - Sat, 04 Feb 2006 11:58:50 Anyone else get annoyed with the use of Mr.Meyers, Mr.Hader, etc.? Head WriterThe Dangler - Sat, 04 Feb 2006 16:48:53 Seth Meyers is the new Head Writer, huh? Interesting, what about Tina? Also that last part about Horatio coming in at 2am - why do I think this is when the idea for the "I'm Carol" sketch started. Protecting my investmentDawson - Sat, 04 Feb 2006 16:55:53 It should be known that I have copywrited the darolinger moniker, so you need to add the little C with a circle. Also, I prefer the Martuffies, but that's just personal preference. re: Saturday, February 4Brian - Sat, 04 Feb 2006 23:22:00 Not The head writer, but a head writer. They should be forewarned of the kamikazes, though they do aid the making of good stories. Ming, oh where art thou? Add a CommentWednesday, February 1 Jen - Wed, 01 Feb 2006 21:56:26 Stephanie from Full House -- Recovering meth addict. Maybe it was all the "Winnie Cooper = genius" stories that put her over the edge.
A mouthy parrot outs a cheating girlfriend: 'Hiya, Gary!' the parrot trilled flirtatiously whenever Chris Taylor's girlfriend answered her cell phone. But Taylor, the owner of [Ziggy] the parrot, did not know anyone named Gary. And his girlfriend, Suzy Collins, who had moved into his apartment a year earlier, swore that she didn't, either...And so it went until the fateful day just before Christmas when, as Taylor and Collins snuggled together on the sofa, Ziggy blurted out, 'I love you, Gary,' his voice a dead ringer for Collins'." Most college gradates lack skills, such as understanding credit card offers, knowing whether their car had enough gas to get to the service station, and comparing the cost per ounce of food. Not quoted: They lacked the valuable "lying to make yourself look less stupid" skill. A 74-year-old British woman was blind for 25 years, had a heart attack, woke up, and could see. Best dry British observation ever: "When I first came round I just opened my eyes and shouted, 'I can see, I can see.' When I looked in the mirror I said, 'Oh.' I said to [her husband] Eric, 'You've got older haven't you?'" The guy looks a little like Wallace. Or Grommit. Whichever; you'll see. They're cute. Woman jailed for leaving kids to go see Springer. Freakin' freakshow guy made a website of himself playing dead in various rooms in his house. "Crushed by his garage door. Electrocuted in the bathtub. One series shows Mr. Lamb lying face-down in a bowl of chicken soup, above a caption that reads 'Dying from bird flu.'" There really is someone for everyone, though -- his wife Tonya took the photos. (Reg. req'd) Crazy, semi-addictive game, for when you have free time. More love for 24 -- a Q&A with a writer, and a story on the guy who composes the music for the show. Fun fact: the guy has "a maximum of five days to compose up to 39 minutes of music." Life's burning questions: When someone arrives at work, who should say "hi" first? Fat and lazy, coupled with rich, allows some to get six-pack abs without doing anything. One guy who got the surgery done said he planned to "wear a Red Sox cap and thong to mow [his] lawn." No really, sir -- you don't need to. That crazy hot-dog-eating lady just ate 26 grilled cheese sandwiches. Ever the overachiever, she lamented she "could have done better." Comments (3) | Permalink
re: Wednesday, February 1
Kevin - Thu, 02 Feb 2006 16:22:13 Whoa this is linktacular! Let's face it: DJ was doted on. Now we know just how bad that Tanner favoritism was. One can only pray for the likes of Kimmy. re: Wednesday, February 1kevin - Thu, 02 Feb 2006 16:23:18 Forgot to put my name in the last one. It appears I'm gonna need some comment previewing here. [fixed name -brian] Burns - Fri, 03 Feb 2006 09:49:05 awesome "calling one's wife by her name rather than grunting". The japanese (or koreans as the case may be) start by making better cars and electronics, now they're eating all our grilled cheese and hot-dogs, and now they have also adopted grunting! - hmmph. Though, it is possible that the husbands were only "grunting their way to rippled abs". Add a CommentTuesday, January 24 Jen - Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:22:38 Awesomest thing ever (well, for 24 fans): The Jacktracker. Comments (1) | Permalink
Dawson - Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:27:55 I don't mean to spoil it, but this the episode with copious amounts of fast paced action and gunplay and leaves you hanging with a suspenseful ending. Add a CommentMonday, January 16 Jen - Mon, 16 Jan 2006 00:14:31 24 is the best show I have ever watched in my whole life. It has presidential assassinations, car bombs, Russian terrorists seizing an airport, and a schizo first lady of Shakespearian proportions. (Hi, Jean Smart! I've missed you since Designing Women!) And that was just in the season opener. Comments (4) | Permalink
re: Monday, January 16
Brian - Mon, 16 Jan 2006 10:53:22 - We fell victim to the overrun Panthers/Bears game too, luckily we realized that the last 10 mins of the show hadn't been TiVo'd and recorded the live 30 min buffer following 24. Otherwise, WCVB Boston didn't start their 10pm newscast until after 24 concluded. previous commentRyan - Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:44:56 "fell victim to?" more like "were privilege to", or "fell victim to the preemption of the Simsons, Family Guy and American Dad" (actually I'd of DVR'd it too if I had the patience to set up the extra time at the end, oh well, I'll just get the DVDs later) best blond joke, ever!Brian - Wed, 18 Jan 2006 11:47:59 Best Blonde Joke Ever Dawson - Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:24:06 Brian, you are the best blonde joke ever. Add a CommentSunday, January 15 Jen - Sun, 15 Jan 2006 12:05:54 Finally, confirmation on when the Sopranos comes back with original episodes. It starts March 12. And when it does return, it'll just be for 12 episodes, not the 12 plus 8 that was rumored some time back. We just saw Million Dollar Baby on HBO recently. I'm not a big movie person, but I really liked it, and wanted to recommend it. Please don't respond and say you saw that movie, like, two years ago. Another recommendation: This is the best stuff in the entire world. It is so wonderful that despite the fact that we have some at home, when we went to Sunset I ordered exclusively this. Imagine -- all the choices at Sunset, and we have it at home. It's that good. The capsule that was carrying cosmic dust safely parachuted to earth this weekend. Awesomest thing ever: The dust, "expected to be about a thimble full, must be separated from a substance called aerogel, used to help trap the particles. Aerogel is a strong, lightweight silica glass that is 99.8 percent air and looks like frozen smoke." 99.8 percent air?!? That is so cool. Below: One really stoked geek. ![]() Comments (0) | Permalink
Add a CommentThursday, January 12 Jen - Thu, 12 Jan 2006 22:18:35 Nice people yawn more. It's true -- read for the study on contagious yawning. (Reg. req'd) ![]() So what if I am so lame I eat lunch at my desk nearly every single day.
Must you rub it in? (Reg. req'd) Comments (0) | Permalink
Add a CommentSaturday, January 7 Jen - Sat, 07 Jan 2006 12:14:45 This kid thinks, "I am going to make a website, sell the pixels as ads, and people will flock to it. I am going to become a millionaire!" And he was right. (Reg. req'd) New $35 tour of Katrina-devastated area sells out. The company has said $3 from every Katrina tour ticket will be donated to Katrina-related charities. Wow, that's so generous. In a really cheap way. How do cats "know" to use litter boxes? Hey, I've always wondered. (Thanks, handy Gmail inbox ... question-answerer thingy.) A 26-year-old artist who chained his legs to draw a picture of the image lost the key to his restraints and had to hop for 12 hours through the desert to a gasoline station for help. His drawing? "It was a pretty good depiction of how a chain would look wrapped around your legs," said a sheriff's deputy. HA!! to deadpan sheriff's deputy.
Comments (3) | Permalink
Dawson - Sat, 07 Jan 2006 13:04:23 The million dollar billboard is brilliant! I'll buy 1000 pixels on, how much are you asking? re: Saturday, January 7Kris - Sun, 08 Jan 2006 01:26:22 I was told that you had comments now, but i just got around to reading them. woo hoo. but let's try to keep the rss-nerdy to a minimum (you know who you are). on an unrelated note, it's bad enough that the patriots had to win tonight, but do the announcers have to talk about tom brady like they want to "do him" when the game is over? re: Saturday, January 7jj - Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:23:47 Amen Kristi Add a CommentTuesday, January 3 Jen - Tue, 03 Jan 2006 22:09:41 New discovery: Not a touch of snark to be found, which it really could have used. Not even in the "Cute or Sad?" category. (And this was Brian's favorite.) (via Defamer) On the heels of the "Lazy Sunday" phenomenon, VH1 will launch a new show called Web Junk 20 in January, a weekly top 20 featuring the hottest viral Internet videos. And now Newsweek gives CoN (TM Jen) a story, too. An ode to Scrubs. I love Scrubs. I would have watched it if I wasn't typing this up. An ode to TiVo: I love TiVo. (Reg. req'd) On the weekends when the last two books of the Harry Potter series came out in England, young people made far fewer visits to an Oxford emergency room. Stay tuned for some fundamentalist to say that this is yet another sign of the occult. (Reg. req'd) Microsoft's 'orange badge' -- i.e., temp -- culture gets an online forum. "'You tell people, "I'm an orange badge at Microsoft," and pretty much everybody in the tech industry knows exactly what that means,' says a software project manager who worked at Microsoft through a temporary staffing firm." Google's next big thing: a $200 PC? Comments (5) | Permalink
And I'm done
Ryan - Wed, 04 Jan 2006 17:29:30 Ok I tried it and I don't like it. I said about "new" coke in 1985 and I'm saing it about this blog in 2006. Can I get a little classic over here? re: Tuesday, January 3Brian - Thu, 05 Jan 2006 09:57:51 Between TiVo (and yahoo?), Apple and Google; who will woo my living room best?! (So far, at $50, TiVo wins) re: Previous CommentRyan - Thu, 05 Jan 2006 17:45:36 AND you don't support IE?!?!?! Mon Dieu re: Tuesday, January 3Brian - Fri, 06 Jan 2006 13:43:00 Speaking of TiVo, a new Series 3 HDTV DVR was demo'd at the CES! HDTV aside, with a dual tuner and cablecard I can finally get rid of that cablebox! With yahoo rolling out new Yahoo Go services, this partnership may blossom yet more! (it's friday google, are you serious about the no low-end-pc market?!) [] re: Tuesday, January 3Name - Wed, 11 Jan 2006 07:26:49 I echo the big love for DVR, I'm starting to think that it is the only way to watch SNL. Incidentally, in watching this week's Eva Longoria rerun, aside from the Narnia rap, my highlight would be Seth Meyers as Nicollette Sheridan saying "I don't want them to see my balls Leonard!" Add a CommentSunday, January 1 Jen - Sun, 01 Jan 2006 19:14:28 So ... notice anything different? Olympic torch too heavy for athletes. A 19-year-old PETA staffer has legally changed his name to Comments (6) | Permalink
Dawson - Mon, 02 Jan 2006 13:42:54 Yay!!!! Comments!!!!! PETADawson - Mon, 02 Jan 2006 13:45:53 I have a friend who works for PETA in Norfolk, I'll ask her if she knows that guy. Everyone should check out PETA's meet your meat video to learn where meat comes from, its a fun film, good for the whole family! re: January 1, 2006Brian - Mon, 02 Jan 2006 18:29:48 What did you do during your christmas break? After numerous hearings in front of the jenblog webstandards comm., the updated jenblog was ready for release; and timed nicely with the new year. enjoy. please forward complaints to the complaint dept. at Yes!Kevin - Tue, 03 Jan 2006 22:41:25 Comments and Permalinks! What's next - "Digg It!" and "add to" buttons? RSSDawson - Wed, 04 Jan 2006 10:38:26 And if you dig a little bit, there's an RSS feed too!!! re: Sunday, January 1Brian - Wed, 04 Jan 2006 11:13:21 I must say, Dawson was a helluva lobbyist and submitted the right proposals (and bribes) to the various levels of subcommitees to get the features he desired. Add a Comment |
What I'm Reading: Zadie Smith What I've read: Haruki Murakami Steven D. Levitt
and Stephen J. Dubner Joan
Didion James
Surowiecki Nick
Hornby Nancy
Pearl Kelly
Bulkeley Haruki
Murakami Emily
Transue J.K.
Rowling Augusten
Burroughs Ian McEwan Augusten
Burroughs Nick
Hornby Kazuo
Ishiguro Dave
Eggers John Irving Haruki
Murakami Malcolm
Gladwell October
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